Wednesday, March 14, 2012

For the Love of Life...

I'll admit, when my dear friend Monica first told me about "Doc", as she referred to him, I was skeptical. No, skeptical is definitely not strong enough a word. Weirded out. Yes, weirded out is the perfect description. I mean, who goes to a doctor that doesn't prescribe medicine? And what kind of doctor tells you to visit a holistic mommy's website? Just too weird for me to comprehend. I just scrunched my forehead and nodded my head because who was I to criticize? I mean every mother has the right to make choices she feels is best for her children. So while Monica continued her three year relationship visiting Doc and taking her girls there, I continued taking my kiddies to their regular pediatrician. Now let's rewind five months.

Back in October I took Daniel (my oldest, my four year old) to his routine physical exam and he got a series of the standard vaccines they give to four year olds. That's when "it" all began. "It" being a noticeable change in his every day health. You see, Daniel was always prone to getting sick. I mean even as an infant, he was hospitalized at two weeks old because he caught a virus. After being on antibiotics for three days, they released him and shortly after, diagnosed him with colic and acid reflux. I swear the first year of Daniel's life, he was sick every month. The emergency room and doctor's offices had our number on speed dial at this point. And the only thing they could tell me was that he was normal but that "some kids just get sick easier." "Ok", I thought, "this must be normal, right?" What did I know. This was my first baby. I continued with his normal regimen of regular visits and regular vaccines but sure enough, Daniel would continue to get sick frequently and be assured if someone in the room was sick, he was going to catch it!

After Daniel's October visit, he was sick more days than healthy. Fevers, colds, multiple ear infections, back to back to back. I mean he just could not kick it! He developed a wet cough that would not go away. They tried allergy meds, cough meds...nothing worked. I did all of the tricks I knew of, vapor baths, Vicks, honey, vaporizer, you name it, I tried it. After his second ear infection and chronic stomach cramping and vomiting, I called the practice and again got the same answer. "Bring him in. Sounds like he has a virus."

That's when a holistic brick hit me on the head and I decided I was not going to subject him to any more trials and errors. I was desperate and I thought, what can I do for my child naturally to help his little body recover and be the best it can be, the way God intended him to be? So I began researching and asking around. I later learned a very interesting thing. Not only was Monica a holistic mommy, but come to find out I actually had 3 other holistic mommies that would serve as a sounding board for me to finally take my first giant leap of faith. I decided to take Daniel to his first holistic doctor.

Dr. Tom McGuire was the first to take a look at Daniel. He made some adjustments and asked us to come back one week later. No medicine. We went back one week later and he made a few more adjustments. Again, no medicine. Well, that's weird. I swear I haven't heard Daniel cough in exactly two weeks, since our first visit. As a matter of fact, his stomach pains went away. Coincidence? Or was their method of realigning Daniel's body having a greater impact on his health than I could imagine? That was the beginning of me converting into a believer.

Then we visited "Doc" at his practice "For the Love of Life". He took a long look at Daniel, and spent over an hour on his physical exam. Here is where - true to my original gut - I was weirded out, but in a good way. He confirmed everything Dr. Tom said the week before! Two holistic doctors who had not spoken about Daniel confirmed the same conditions that were impacting his immune system! The song "I'm a believer" began resonating in my mind! After adjusting Daniel some more and completing his exam I was given a regimen of vitamins and minerals to give Daniel to get his health back up optimally and best of all, naturally. So while I know Daniel is human and not immune to ever getting sick again, I don't remember the last time he looked so rosy, and best of all, cough and phlegm-free!

Dr. Tom McGuire:

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