Friday, March 16, 2012

Sleepy Sling...

Delicious. That about sums up our first family trip to Trader Joe's today. I decided, if I'm on this journey to holistic health, where can I go grocery shopping? Trader Joe's or Whole Foods? Well Trader Joe's is only 15 minutes away so that was an easy choice, although in my heavily saturated supermarket town, I probably drove past at least 10 on my way there. I strapped Mia into her Ergo Baby carrier and Daniel walked alongside me. I was a bit nervous on how we would handle this on our own. Would Mia be ok strapped in for an hour or more? Would Daniel be ok walking next to me the entire time? They did great! Mia dozed off and Daniel helped me put everything in the cart. I think the most rewarding part for me was having Daniel ask me the names of vegetables he hadn't eaten before. "Mami, what's that?" "That's eggplant honey." Wow, my son didn't know what eggplant was. 

Ok, so this day was a success in my mind but also an eye opener. One, I love Trader Joe's for many things but disappointed in the produce (not as fresh as my local farmer's market) and there are no baby products. Zero. Two (or three technically), I'm so used to cooking the same things the family likes that I don't expose them enough to different things. As we checked out, I made sure to purchase some of the reusable carrier bags and clinched my teeth nervous the bill would be high. I mean our cart was over the rim full of fresh veggies, fruits, meats, grains and lots of other healthy, yummy treats. But alas, I was shocked. Good shocked. Our supermarket trip was about $40 less than what I typically spend on our bi-weekly shopping trip! As soon as we got home, Daniel helped me prepare dinner, which included the pasta and veggies we just purchased and we enjoyed the moment and every last bite.
Delicious. Simply delicious.

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