Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Happy…A Story of Pain and Healing

Same blog…
Same focus…
New name!

Now that I've cleared the air, let me proceed with my story.

It begins with a girl.
Let's call her Happy.
Happy lives life full of hope. She wakes up with the sunshine and chases the sounds of her angels'  laughter. She explores the world with her angels and always carries with her Trust and Love. Together, they breathe in the fresh air of Promise and rest under the shadow of the wings of their Maker. 

One morning, Happy woke up and felt different. 
She felt something new…Pain. 
This new feeling was not welcome and as she tried to run away from it, she noticed it caught up to her and found her. She later discovered that Pain would not leave and wanted to stay with her always. 

Happy did the only thing she knew how to do. As she succumbed to Pain following her into the night, she embraced her angels, climbed into her tower of faith and rested under her Maker's wings, as she did every other night. And as she did, she found Peace. And Peace reminded her that Pain was not going to stay. She smiled, closed her eyes, and believed.

He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering." (Mark 5:34)

I share this story NOT because I want anyone to worry or wonder. I share it because I believe we all go through our own share of discomforts and diseases. I was recently diagnosed with a skin disorder but am thankful it is secluded to only one small part of my body. I'm thankful for healing and hope. I'm sympathetic to those that go through much more serious conditions that encompass their whole life. I pray for your peace and comfort as you navigate through it and find refuge and peace.

xoxo In love…

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